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About The Greenfield Historical Society


The Greenfield Historical Society was founded some years ago, the genesis of the society roots in the "It's Just Coffee" gatherings, whose purpose was for Greenfield residents to meet neighbors over coffee and snacks at the Old City Hall. It was purely social. The people attending these meetings then began to bring pictures and other historical documents to stimulate conversation. A group of local residents took it a step further by suggesting that the "It's Just Coffee" meetings be divided into social and historical segments. By-laws were written, officers were elected and a mission statement was drawn up. Subsequently, it was decided to make the historical part more formal and an application was submitted to the state for non-profit incorporation, with the aim to collect anything related to the history of Greenfield, artifacts, photographs, stories, documents, etc., with the ultimate goal to eventually make our collection public, in a form yet to be determined.

Being a relatively young Historical Society, we heavily rely on the Greenfield people's support. If you have anything from our past to share please do get in touch or join one of our meetings, “It’s Just Coffee” meets at Our Father’s Lutheran Fellowship hall on the last Tuesday of each month at 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.  Located west of Rockford off Highway 55.  Greenfield Historical Society meeting starts at 10:30 a.m. 



Rolly Jendro

Email :

Tel : 763-498-7328


Vice President

Bonnie Poole

Email :



Dick Storck

Email :

Tel : 763-477-6415



Karlene Jendro

Email :

Tel : 763-498-7328



© 2015  Greenfield Historical Society

HP Administration Andreas M. Hauser


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